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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
lateral line +    
ampullary organ 
anterior lateral line +  
dorsal lateral line +  
neuromast +  
posterior lateral line +  
One of eight distinct lateral lines in the 4-day larva. A sensory system on the surface of the fish, consisting of small sensory patches (neuromasts) distributed in discrete lines over the body surface. The lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance.
upper lateral line 
ventral lateral line 

Exact Synonyms: pll
Xrefs: AAO:0011024 ;   EFO:0003595 ;   TAO:0000944 ;   XAO:0000465 ;   ZFA:0000944
axiom_lost: relationship loss: develops_from posterior lateral line primordium (TAO:0001157)[TAO]" xsd:string {date_retrieved="2012-08-14", external_class="TAO:0000944", ontology="TAO ;   relationship loss: part_of posterior lateral line system (TAO:0001471)[TAO]" xsd:string {date_retrieved="2012-08-14", external_class="TAO:0000944", ontology="TAO
Definition Sources: ZFA:0000944

paths to the root