accessory olfactory bulb +
amygdalohippocampal area, magnocellular division
amygdalohippocampal area, parvocellular division
amygdalohippocampal transition area
amygdalopiriform transition area
anterior cingulate cortex +
anterior division of bed nuclei of stria terminalis +
anterior hypothalamic region +
anterior nucleus of hypothalamus anterior part
anterior nucleus of hypothalamus central part
anterior nucleus of hypothalamus dorsal part
anterior nucleus of hypothalamus posterior part
anterior olfactory nucleus
anterior parahippocampal gyrus
anterior perforated substance
anterior segment of paracentral lobule
anterior temporal fusiform gyrus
anterolateral visual area +
anterolateral visual area, layer 5
anteromedial visual area +
anteromedial visual area, layer 5
bed nuclei of the stria terminalis oval nucleus
calcar avis of the lateral ventricle
caudal anterior cingulate cortex
caudal zone of median tuberal portion of hypothalamus +
cerebellar peduncular complex +
chemoarchitectural part of brain +
circumventricular organ +
core of nucleus accumbens
cytoarchitectural part of dentate gyrus
cytoarchitecture of entorhinal cortex
dentate gyrus of hippocampal formation +
dopaminergic cell groups +
dorsal auditory area, layer 4
dorsal periventricular hypothalamus
dorsal plus ventral thalamus +
dorsal tegmental nucleus pars dorsalis
dorsal tegmental nucleus pars ventralis
dorsal ventricular ridge of pallium
dorsal zone of median tuberal portion of hypothalamus +
dorsolateral part of supraoptic nucleus
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex +
extrapyramidal tract system
floor plate of diencephalon +
floor plate of medulla oblongata
floor plate of metencephalon
floor plate of telencephalon
functional part of brain +
genu of corpus callosum +
gross anatomical parts of the cerebellum
Hadjikhani et al. (1998) visuotopic area V2d
Hadjikhani et al. (1998) visuotopic partition scheme region +
hippocampal formation of GP94
inferior lateral occipital cortex
inferior transverse frontopolar gyrus
interanterodorsal nucleus of the thalamus
intergeniculate leaflet of the lateral geniculate complex
intermediate hypothalamic region +
intermediate part of hypophysis
interstitial part of hyperpallium apicale
islands of Calleja of olfactory tubercle
isthmus of cingulate cortex
lateral amygdaloid nucleus, dorsolateral part
lateral amygdaloid nucleus, ventrolateral part
lateral amygdaloid nucleus, ventromedial part
lateral granular eminence
lateral hypothalamic area +
lateral orbital frontal cortex
lateral visual area, layer 4
lateral visual area, layer 5
lateral visual area, layer 6a
medial orbital frontal cortex
medial transverse frontopolar gyrus
medial ventral tegmental area
medullary command nucleus
neural lobe of neurohypophysis
noradrenergic cell groups +
nucleus of lateral olfactory tract
nucleus of the brachium of the inferior colliculus
olfactory entorhinal cortex
Ongur, Price, and Ferry (2003) prefrontal cortical partition scheme region +
P1 area of pallium (Myxiniformes)
P2 area of pallium (Myxiniformes)
P3 area of pallium (Myxiniformes)
P4 area of pallium (Myxiniformes)
P5 area of pallium (Myxiniformes)
paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus descending division +
paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus descending division - dorsal parvocellular part
paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus descending division - forniceal part
paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus descending division - lateral parvocellular part
paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus descending division - medial parvocellular part, ventral zone
paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus magnocellular division +
paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus magnocellular division - anterior magnocellular part
paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus magnocellular division - medial magnocellular part
paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus magnocellular division - posterior magnocellular part
paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus magnocellular division - posterior magnocellular part lateral zone
paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus magnocellular division - posterior magnocellular part medial zone
paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus parvocellular division
periventricular grey zone
pole of cerebral hemisphere +
posterior cingulate cortex
posterior division of bed nuclei of stria terminalis +
posterior hypothalamic region +
posterior median eminence
posterior parietal association areas +
posterior parietal cortex
posterior segment of paracentral lobule
posterior temporal fusiform gyrus
posterolateral visual area +
posterolateral visual area, layer 4
posteromedial visual area +
posteromedial visual area, layer 4
posteromedial visual area, layer 6a
postrhinal cortex of rodent of Burwell et al 1995
Press, Brewer, Dougherty, Wade and Wandell (2001) visuotopic area V7
primary visual area, layer 2/3
primary visual area, layer 4
primary visual area, layer 5
primary visual area, layer 6a
principal anterior division of supraoptic nucleus
pyramid of medulla oblongata
regional part of cerebellar cortex +
retrohippocampal region +
retrolenticular part of internal capsule +
retrorubral area of midbrain reticular nucleus
retrosplenial granular cortex
rostral anterior cingulate cortex
rostral middle frontal gyrus
rostral portion of the medial accessory olive
rostral ventrolateral medulla
rostrolateral area, layer 5
rostrolateral visual area +
secondary auditory cortex
secondary olfactory cortex + Brodmann's area 28; major gateway for neocortical input to the hippocampus; origin of the perforant pathway; a component of the medial temporal lobe memory system. (CSP) * The cytoarchitecturally well-defined area of multilaminate cerebral cortex on the medial aspect of the parahippocampal gyrus, immediately caudal to the olfactory cortex of the uncus. The entorhinal cortex is the origin of the major neural fiber system afferent to the hippocampus, the so-called PERFORANT PATHWAY. (Stedman, 25th ed).
shell of nucleus accumbens
subdivision of diagonal band +
substantia nigra pars lateralis
superficial feature part of forebrain
superficial feature part of occipital lobe
superficial feature part of the cerebellum
superior cerebellar peduncle of midbrain
superior cerebellar peduncle of pons
superior lateral occipital cortex
superior transverse frontopolar gyrus
supplemental motor cortex
suprachiasmatic nucleus dorsomedial part
suprachiasmatic nucleus ventrolateral part
Tootell and Hadjikhani (2001) LOC/LOP complex
transverse frontopolar gyri complex +
tuberomammillary nucleus dorsal part
tuberomammillary nucleus ventral part
uncinate fasciculus of the forebrain
uncus of parahippocampal gyrus +
ventral part of telencephalon +
ventral zone of medial entorhinal cortex
vestibulolateralis lobe +