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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abdominal air sac 
accessory vomerine tooth plate 
actinopterygian frontal bone 
actinopterygian parietal bone +  
adrenal gland +  
ala of nose 
alisphenoid bone 
angular bone 
angular/surangular bone 
angulosplenial +  
antenna +  
anterior thoracic air sac 
anterior ventrolateral plate 
anterolateral plate 
anteroventral plate 
appendage girdle complex +  
aryepiglottic fold 
arytenoid cartilage +  
atlanto-occipital joint +  
auditory bulla +  
basisphenoid bone 
body of sphenoid +  
bone of jaw +  
bony plate +  
branch of Y-shaped fibrocartilage skeleton of ventral pouch 
branchiostegal ray +  
branchiostegal ray series +  
bulb of vestibule 
buttock +  
camera-type eye +  
canal plate 
caudal-fin stay 
cerebellar hemisphere +  
cerebral crus 
cerebral hemisphere +  
cervical air sac 
cheek +  
clavicle bone +  
cleithrum +  
coccygeal nerve 
coccygeus muscle 
common iliac vein 
coronoid bone +  
corpus +  
costal diaphragm 
costal plate of carapace 
cranial neuron projection bundle +  
dentary +  
depressor labii inferioris 
dermal element of plastron +  
dorsal bursa +  
dorsal cleithrum 
dorsal funiculus of spinal cord +  
dorsal horn of spinal cord +  
dorsal plus ventral thalamus +  
early premaxilla +  
ectocoracoid bone 
ejaculatory duct +  
endochondral scleral ossicle +  
entopterygoid +  
epigonal organ 
epipubic bone 
ethmoid bone +  
ethomosphenoid region 
external ear +  
extrascapula +  
extratemporal bone 
facial bone primordium 
fallopian tube +  
fish scute +  
fronto-ethmoidal shield +  
frontoparietal bone +  
fulcrum +  
furcula +  
fused sacrum +  
gastric vein +  
genital labium +  
gill raker 
great vein of heart 
gular plate 
hyoid bone +  
hyoid bone greater horn 
hyoid bone lesser horn 
ilium +  
inferior colliculus +  
inferior nasal concha +  
inferior parathyroid gland +  
inferior rectal artery 
infraorbital +  
infraorbital series +  
inner canthus +  
inner quadrant of breast +  
innominate bone +  
interclavicle +  
interfrontal bone 
internal pudendal artery 
interolateral plate 
interparietal bone 
intertemporal bone 
intramembranous scleral ossicle +  
ischium +  
jugal bone +  
kidney +  
kinethmoid bone 
lacrimal bone 
The irregularly thin plate that forms part of the medial wall of the orbit behind the frontal process of the maxilla.
laryngeal vocal fold +  
lateral vaginal canal 
lateral wall of nasopharynx 
lateral wall of oropharynx 
left anterior cardinal vein 
left apical axillary lymph node 
left auditory cortex 
left bundle branch 
left cardiac chamber +  
left central axillary lymph node 
left common iliac artery 
left crus of diaphragm 
left dorsal thalamus 
left ear 
left extraembryonic umbilical vein 
left eye +  
left forelimb 
left gastric lymph node +  
left hindlimb 
left inguinal part of abdomen 
left lateral ventricle 
left lower central primary incisor tooth 
left lower central secondary incisor tooth 
left lower first primary molar tooth 
left lower first secondary molar tooth 
left lower first secondary premolar tooth 
left lower primary canine tooth 
left lower second primary molar tooth 
left lower second secondary molar tooth 
left lower second secondary premolar tooth 
left lower secondary canine tooth 
left lower third secondary molar tooth 
left lymph heart 
left nipple 
left occipital lymph node 
left ovary 
left parietal lumbar lymph node +  
left part of face 
left pectoral axillary lymph node 
left posterior cardinal vein 
left recurrent laryngeal nerve 
left retropharyngeal lymph node 
left side of back 
left subcardinal vein 
left subclavian artery 
left subcostal vein 
left subscapular axillary lymph node 
left superior intercostal vein 
left suprarenal vein 
left testis 
left umbilical vein +  
left upper central primary incisor tooth 
left upper central secondary incisor tooth 
left upper first primary molar tooth 
left upper first secondary molar tooth 
left upper first secondary premolar tooth 
left upper primary canine tooth 
left upper second primary molar tooth 
left upper second secondary molar tooth 
left upper second secondary premolar tooth 
left upper secondary canine tooth 
left upper third secondary molar tooth 
left vagus X nerve trunk 
left vitelline vein 
lepidotrichium +  
levator veli palatini 
lingual artery +  
lingual tonsil 
lobe of thyroid gland +  
lower lateral incisor tooth +  
lung +  
major salivary gland +  
major vestibular gland +  
male genital duct +  
maxilla +  
maxillopalatine +  
median dorsal plate 
median premaxilla 
mentalis muscle 
monkey lips dorsal bursa complex +  
Mullerian duct +  
nasal bone +  
nasal concha of ethmoid bone +  
nasal skeleton +  
nasalis muscle 
neural fold +  
nictitating membrane lamina 
nuchal plate +  
olfactory bulb +  
optic foramen +  
optic pedicel 
orbit of skull +  
orbital part of frontal bone 
orbitosphenoid +  
otic notch 
outer canthus +  
outer quadrant of breast +  
ovarian vein +  
paired venous dural sinus +  
palatal part of dermatocranium +  
palate bone +  
palatine bone +  
palatopharyngeus muscle +  
palpebral bone 
pancreas left lobe 
pancreas right lobe 
paraxial mesoderm +  
pectoral axillary process 
pectoral girdle region +  
pelvic axillary process 
pelvic girdle region +  
pelvic splint 
pharyngeal tooth plate +  
pleural plate of carapace 
pleural sac +  
postcleithrum +  
posterior cerebral artery +  
posterior communicating artery 
posterior dorsolateral plate 
posterior thoracic air sac 
posterior ventrolateral plate 
postfrontal bone 
postorbital bar 
postorbital bone 
postsphenoidal bone 
posttemporal +  
prearticular bone +  
prefrontal bone 
premaxilla +  
prenasal (amphibians) 
prenasal ossicle 
preopercle +  
preopercle horizontal limb 
preopercle vertical limb 
preorbital fossa 
presphenoid bone 
primary lateral incisor tooth +  
prostate gland lateral lobe 
pterygoid bone +  
pubis +  
quadrate bone +  
quadratojugal bone +  
right anterior cardinal vein 
right apical axillary lymph node 
right auditory cortex 
right bundle branch 
right cardiac chamber +  
right central axillary lymph node 
right common iliac artery 
right crus of diaphragm 
right dorsal thalamus 
right ear 
right extraembryonic umbilical vein 
right eye +  
right forelimb 
right hindlimb 
right inguinal part of abdomen 
right lateral ventricle 
right lower central primary incisor tooth 
right lower central secondary incisor tooth 
right lower first primary molar tooth 
right lower first secondary molar tooth 
right lower first secondary premolar tooth 
right lower primary canine tooth 
right lower second primary molar tooth 
right lower second secondary molar tooth 
right lower second secondary premolar tooth 
right lower secondary canine tooth 
right lower third secondary molar tooth 
right lymph heart 
right nipple 
right occipital lymph node 
right ovary 
right part of face 
right pectoral axillary lymph node 
right posterior cardinal vein 
right recurrent laryngeal nerve 
right retropharyngeal lymph node 
right side of back 
right subcardinal vein 
right subclavian artery 
right subcostal vein 
right subscapular axillary lymph node 
right superior intercostal vein 
right suprarenal vein 
right testis 
right umbilical vein 
right upper central primary incisor tooth 
right upper central secondary incisor tooth 
right upper first primary molar tooth 
right upper first secondary molar tooth 
right upper first secondary premolar tooth 
right upper primary canine tooth 
right upper second primary molar tooth 
right upper second secondary molar tooth 
right upper second secondary premolar tooth 
right upper secondary canine tooth 
right upper third secondary molar tooth 
right vagus X nerve trunk 
right vitelline vein 
rostral plate 
sacro-iliac joint 
sagittal crest of skull 
sagittal keel 
salpingopharyngeus muscle 
scleral sesamoid bone 
scleral skeletal element +  
sensory canal tubular ossicle 
septomaxilla bone +  
sphenoid bone +  
sphenoid bone pterygoid process +  
spinal cord lateral horn +  
spinal plate 
splenial bone 
squamous part of temporal bone +  
stylopharyngeus muscle 
submandibular bone 
substantia nigra +  
superior colliculus +  
superior parathyroid gland +  
supracleithrum +  
supraorbital bone +  
supratemporal bone 
surangular bone +  
sympathetic trunk +  
tabular bone 
temporomandibular joint +  
tensor veli palatini 
testicular vein +  
tetrapod frontal bone +  
thymus lobe +  
transverse foramen of axis 
transverse process of atlas +  
type 1 odontode 
upper lateral incisor tooth +  
upper left incisor tooth +  
upper right incisor tusk 
upper urinary tract +  
ureter +  
urodermal bone 
urohyal +  
uterine artery 
uterine horn +  
velar vocal fold 
ventral cleithrum 
ventral funiculus of spinal cord +  
ventral horn of spinal cord +  
vertebra +  
vomer +  
zygapophysis +  
zygomatic arch +  

Exact Synonyms: lachrymal bone ;   lacrymal bone
Broad Synonyms: lacrimal
Related Synonyms: ectethmoid ;   infraorbital 1 ;   lachrymal bone - infraorbital 1 ;   lacrimal - infraorbital 1 ;   lacrymal bone - infraorbital 1 ;   os lacrimale
Xrefs: FMA:52741 ;   MA:0001486 ;   NCI:C32906 ;   SCTID:272675007 ;   UMLS:C0222733 ;   VHOG:0001149 ;   Wikipedia:Lacrimal_bone
External Ontologys: dubious_for_taxon NCBITaxon:8292 ;   present_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9606
Definition Sources: ISBN:0-683-40008-8, MP:0005271

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