atypical production of or inability to produce a cell of hematopoietic origin, typically resident in particular tissues, specialized in the uptake, processing, and transport of antigens to lymph nodes for the purpose of stimulating an immune response via T cell activation
abnormal dendritic cell number +
abnormal enterocyte differentiation
abnormal fat cell differentiation +
abnormal granulocyte differentiation +
abnormal keratinocyte differentiation
abnormal lymphopoiesis +
abnormal megakaryocyte differentiation
abnormal melanocyte differentiation
abnormal mesenchymal cell differentiation involved in lung development
abnormal mononuclear cell differentiation +
abnormal myeloid dendritic cell morphology +
abnormal myelopoiesis +
abnormal myoblast differentiation
abnormal myofibroblast differentiation +
abnormal myotube differentiation +
abnormal neuron differentiation +
abnormal oogenesis +
abnormal organ of Corti supporting cell differentiation +