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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal bile duct morphology +   
abnormal cranial suspensory ligament morphology 
abnormal endocrine gland morphology +   
abnormal exocrine gland morphology +   
abnormal female reproductive system morphology +   
abnormal gallbladder morphology +   
abnormal gametogenesis +   
abnormal gland development +   
abnormal gubernaculum morphology  
abnormal inguinal canal morphology +   
abnormal male reproductive system morphology +   
abnormal pancreas morphology +   
abnormal perineum morphology +   
abnormal reproductive system development +   
abnormal sex determination +   
abnormal sex gland morphology +   
any structural anomaly of any of the organized aggregations of cells that function as secretory or excretory organs and are associated with reproduction
ambiguous external genitalia +   
decreased gland tumor incidence +   
decreased reproductive system tumor incidence +   
genital wound +  
increased gland tumor incidence +   
increased reproductive system tumor incidence +   

Exact Synonyms: abnormal genitalia gland morphology ;   abnormal gland of genitalia ;   abnormal gland of reproductive system ;   abnormal reproductive gland morphology ;   abnormal reproductive system gland morphology ;   abnormal sex glands
Narrow Synonyms: sex gland dysplasia
Definition Sources: MGI:cwg

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