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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal adrenal gland physiology +   
abnormal endocrine pancreas physiology +   
any functional anomaly of the smaller portion of the pancreas that secretes a number of hormones into the blood stream that are produced by the cells in the islets of Langerhans
abnormal exocrine pancreas physiology +   
abnormal neuroendocrine gland physiology +   
abnormal pancreas regeneration +   
abnormal pancreas secretion +   
abnormal pancreatic islet cell apoptosis +   
abnormal parathyroid gland physiology +   
abnormal thymus physiology +   
abnormal thyroid gland physiology +   
decreased susceptibility to induced pancreatitis  
increased pancreas apoptosis  
pancreas inflammation +   

Definition Sources:

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