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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Abnormal rib ossification +   
Abnormality of the costochondral junction +   
Anomalous rib insertion to vertebrae  
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the ribs +   
Bifid ribs  
Broad ribs +   
Calcification of ribs +   
Coat hanger sign of ribs  
Crescent-shaped iliac bone  
Cupped ribs +   
Flaring of rib cage +   
Fractured rib  
Horizontal ribs  
Multiple rib fractures  
Prominent floating ribs  
Rib exostoses  
Rib fusion +   
Rib gap +   
Rib osteolysis  
Rib segmentation abnormalities  
Rib spur  
Superior rib anomalies 
Supernumerary ribs +   
The presence of more than 12 rib pairs.
Supernumerary vertebrae +   
Thickened ribs  
Thin ribs  
Undulate ribs  

Exact Synonyms: Extra ribs
Alternate IDs: HP:0000901
Xrefs: SNOMEDCT_US:205460009 ;   UMLS:C0345397
Definition Sources:

paths to the root