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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Abnormal 2nd finger morphology +   
Abnormal 3rd finger morphology +   
Abnormal 4th finger morphology +   
Abnormal 5th finger morphology +   
Abnormal finger flexion crease +   
Abnormal finger phalanx morphology +   
Abnormal fingertip morphology +   
Abnormal thumb morphology +   
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of fingers +   
Bethlem sign 
Broad finger +   
Claw hand deformity  
Curved fingers +   
Deviation of finger +   
Displacement of the extensor tendon in metacarpophalangeal joint 
Dupuytren contracture  
Finger dactylitis  
Finger joint contracture +   
Lack of full passive range of motion (restrictions in flexion, extension, or other movements) of a finger joint resulting from structural changes of non-bony tissues, such as muscles, tendons, ligaments, joint capsules and/or skin.
Finger joint hypermobility +   
Finger swelling  
Fractured manual digit 
Long fingers +   
Macrodactyly of finger 
Mallet finger  
Slender finger +   
Spindle-shaped finger  
Splayed fingers 
Swan neck-like deformities of the fingers  
Trident hand  

Definition Sources: PMID:16214063, PMID:24975760, PMID:31282072

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