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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Fibroma +     
Angiofibromas +   
Cardiac fibroma  
Fibroadenoma of the breast  
Gingival fibromatosis  
Lung fibroma 
Neurofibroma +   
Ossifying fibroma +   
A benign central bone tumor composed of fibrous connective tissue within which bone is formed.
Ovarian fibroma  
Subungual fibromas  
Ungual fibroma  

Xrefs: SNOMEDCT_US:25603007 ;   SNOMEDCT_US:302862001 ;   SNOMEDCT_US:302863006 ;   SNOMEDCT_US:80699009 ;   UMLS:C0206640
Definition Sources:

paths to the root