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Ontology Browser

Abnormality of multiple cell lineages in the bone marrow (HP:0012145)
Annotations: Rat: (0) Mouse: (0) Human: (199) Chinchilla: (0) Bonobo: (0) Dog: (0) Squirrel: (0) Pig: (0) Naked Mole-rat: (0) Green Monkey: (0)
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Abnormal erythroid lineage cell morphology +   
Abnormal granulocytopoietic cell morphology +   
Abnormal megakaryocyte morphology +   
Abnormal myeloid cell morphology 
Abnormality of bone marrow stromal cells  
Abnormality of multiple cell lineages in the bone marrow +   
Bone marrow cystine accumulation  
Bone marrow granuloma 
Bone marrow maturation arrest +   
Bone marrow monocytosis 
Bone marrow vacuolated lymphocytes 
Bone marrow xanthomatosis 
Increased bone marrow iron  
Lipid-laden bone-marrow macrophages 
Lymphoid hyperplasia  
Reduced bone-marrow pro-B cell count 

Xrefs: UMLS:C4023024

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