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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Abnormal fingernail morphology +   
Abnormal nail attachment +   
Abnormal nail growth +   
Abnormal nail shape +  
Abnormal nail surface +   
Abnormal toenail morphology +   
Abnormality of nail color +   
Abnormality of the periungual region +   
Abnormality of the subungual region +   
Absent lunula 
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the nails +   
Aplasia or developmental hypoplasia of the nail.
Chronic monilial nail infection  
Enlarged lunula 
Fragile nails  
Ingrown nail 
Longitudinal erythronychia  
Nail bed hemorrhage  
Nail bed telangiectasia  
Nail dysplasia +   
Nail dystrophy +   
Nail psoriasis 
Nailfold capillary tortuosity  
Neoplasm of the nail +   
Onychogryposis +   
Pyramidal skinfold extending from the base to the top of the nails  
Splinter hemorrhages  
Thin nail +   
 Anonychia +   
 Small nail +   

Exact Synonyms: Absent/hypoplastic nails ;   Absent/small nails ;   Absent/underdeveloped nails ;   Nail aplasia/hypoplasia
Alternate IDs: HP:0008385
Xrefs: UMLS:C1859077
Definition Sources:

paths to the root