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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Abnormal carpal morphology +   
Ankylosis +   
Decreased carpal angles of wrist 
Decreased movement range in interphalangeal joints  
Dislocated wrist  
Enlargement of the wrists  
Joint stiffness +   
Limitation of knee mobility +   
Limitation of movement at ankles +   
Limited elbow movement +   
Limited hip movement +   
Limited interphalangeal movement  
Limited shoulder movement +   
Limited wrist movement +   
An abnormal limitation of the mobility of the wrist.
Madelung deformity  
Narrow joint spaces of wrist 
Restricted chest movement  
Restricted large joint movement  
Scapulohumeral synostosis  
Ulnar deviation of the wrist  
Wrist flexion contracture +   
Wrist ganglion 
Wrist swelling  

Exact Synonyms: Limited movement of the wrist
Xrefs: UMLS:C1840088
Definition Sources:

paths to the root