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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
long-day photoperiodism, flowering +  
negative regulation of response to stimulus +   
positive regulation of response to stimulus +   
regulation of cellular response to alkaline pH +  
regulation of cellular response to growth factor stimulus +   
regulation of cellular response to insulin stimulus +   
regulation of cellular response to manganese ion +  
regulation of cellular response to oxidopamine +  
regulation of cellular response to testosterone stimulus +   
regulation of cellular response to very-low-density lipoprotein particle stimulus +   
regulation of cellular response to X-ray +   
regulation of detection of glucose +   
regulation of establishment of competence for transformation +  
regulation of filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms in response to chemical stimulus +  
regulation of filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms in response to pH +  
regulation of immune response +   
regulation of muscle adaptation +   
regulation of olfactory learning 
regulation of photoperiodism, flowering +  
Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of photoperiodism, flowering.
regulation of response to acetate +  
regulation of response to alcohol +   
regulation of response to amylopectin +  
regulation of response to benzene +  
regulation of response to biotic stimulus +   
regulation of response to calcium ion +   
regulation of response to cycloalkane +  
regulation of response to cytokine stimulus +   
regulation of response to drug +   
regulation of response to external stimulus +   
regulation of response to formic acid +  
regulation of response to furfural +  
regulation of response to gamma radiation +   
regulation of response to nutrient levels +   
regulation of response to pullulan +  
regulation of response to red or far red light +  
regulation of response to stress +   
regulation of response to toluene +  
regulation of signal transduction +   
regulation of thermomorphogenesis +  
short-day photoperiodism, flowering +  

Exact Synonyms: regulation of photoperiodic control of flowering time ;   regulation of photoperiodic control of inflorescence development ;   regulation of response to day length, flowering ;   regulation of response to night length, flowering ;   regulation of response to photoperiod, flowering
Definition Sources: GOC:obol

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