negative regulation of DNA damage response, signal transduction by p53 class mediator resulting in transcription of p21 class mediator
Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of DNA damage response, signal transduction by p53 class mediator resulting in transcription of p21 class mediator.
positive regulation of DNA damage response, signal transduction by p53 class mediator resulting in transcription of p21 class mediator
regulation of DNA damage response, signal transduction by p53 class mediator resulting in transcription of p21 class mediator +
Exact Synonyms:
down regulation of DNA damage response, signal transduction by p53 class mediator resulting in transcription of p21 class mediator
downregulation of DNA damage response, signal transduction by p53 class mediator resulting in transcription of p21 class mediator
Narrow Synonyms:
inhibition of DNA damage response, signal transduction by p53 class mediator resulting in transcription of p21 class mediator