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Ontology Browser

medium-chain fatty acyl-CoA oxidase activity (GO:0120523)
Annotations: Rat: (0) Mouse: (0) Human: (0) Chinchilla: (0) Bonobo: (0) Dog: (0) Squirrel: (0) Pig: (0) Naked Mole-rat: (0) Green Monkey: (0)
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
long-chain fatty acyl-CoA oxidase activity 
medium-chain fatty acyl-CoA oxidase activity 
Catalysis of the reaction: a medium-chain 2,3-saturated fatty acyl-CoA + O2 = a medium-chain (2E)-enoyl-CoA + H2O2.
palmitoyl-CoA oxidase activity  
pristanoyl-CoA oxidase activity  
short-chain fatty acyl-CoA oxidase activity 
very-long-chain fatty acyl-CoA oxidase activity 

Xrefs: RHEA:78855
Definition Sources: RHEA:78855

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