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Ontology Browser

negative regulation of nematode larval development (GO:0061064)
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Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
dauer larval development +  
negative regulation of flower development 
negative regulation of lateral root development 
negative regulation of long-day photoperiodism, flowering 
negative regulation of nematode larval development +  
Any process that decreases the rate, frequency, or extent of nematode larval development, the process whose specific outcome is the progression of the nematode larva over time, from its formation to the mature structure. Nematode larval development begins with the newly hatched first-stage larva (L1) and ends with the end of the last larval stage (for example the fourth larval stage (L4) in C. elegans). Each stage of nematode larval development is characterized by proliferation of specific cell lineages and an increase in body size without alteration of the basic body plan. Nematode larval stages are separated by molts in which each stage-specific exoskeleton, or cuticle, is shed and replaced anew.
negative regulation of photomorphogenesis 
negative regulation of pupariation 
negative regulation of seed germination 
negative regulation of short-day photoperiodism, flowering 
negative regulation of stomatal complex development 
negative regulation of thermomorphogenesis 
positive regulation of nematode larval development +  
regulation of dauer larval development +  
regulation of nematode larval development +  
regulation of nematode larval development, heterochronic +  
vulval development +  

Definition Sources: GOC:dph, GOC:kmv

paths to the root