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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
16-hydroxysteroid epimerase activity 
allantoin racemase activity 
alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase activity  
hydantoin racemase activity 
methylmalonyl-CoA epimerase activity  
NAD(P)HX epimerase activity  
Catalysis of the reactions: (6R)-NADHX = (6S)-NADHX and (6R)-NADPHX = (6S)-NADPHX.
racemase and epimerase activity, acting on amino acids and derivatives +   
racemase and epimerase activity, acting on carbohydrates and derivatives +   
racemase and epimerase activity, acting on hydroxy acids and derivatives +  

Narrow Synonyms: NADHX epimerase activity ;   NADPHX epimerase activity
Xrefs: EC:
Definition Sources: EC:, PMID:21994945

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