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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
asexual spore wall assembly 
asexual sporulation resulting in formation of a cellular spore +  
asexual sporulation resulting in formation of a multicellular or syncytial spore 
conidium formation +  
The process of producing non-motile spores, called conidia, via mitotic asexual reproduction in higher fungi. Conidia are haploid cells genetically identical to their haploid parent. They are produced by conversion of hyphal elements, or are borne on sporogenous cells on or within specialized structures termed conidiophores, and participate in dispersal of the fungus.
oidium formation 
oomycete sporangium development +  
regulation of asexual sporulation +  

Exact Synonyms: conidia formation
Related Synonyms: conidia biosynthesis
Definition Sources: GOC:di, ISBN:0963117211, PMID:2524423, PMID:9529886

paths to the root