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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
maintenance of protein localization at cell tip +   
maintenance of protein localization in organelle +   
maintenance of protein localization to heterochromatin 
maintenance of protein location in cell cortex +  
maintenance of protein location in mast cell secretory granule +   
maintenance of protein location in membrane +   
maintenance of protein location in T cell secretory granule +   
protein localization to ERGIC  
protein localization to Golgi membrane  
protein retention in Golgi apparatus  
The retention of proteins within the Golgi apparatus. Golgi-localized carbohydrate-modifying enzymes have a short N-terminal domain that faces the cytosol, a single transmembrane alpha helix, and a large C-terminal domain that faces the Golgi lumen and that contains the catalytic site. How the membrane-spanning alpha helix in a Golgi enzyme causes its localization and prevents its movement to the plasma membrane is not known.
protein targeting to Golgi apparatus  
sequestering of actin monomers  

Exact Synonyms: protein-Golgi retention ;   retention of protein in Golgi
Related Synonyms: maintenance of protein location in Golgi apparatus
Definition Sources: ISBN:0716731363

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