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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
anterior commissure morphogenesis  
corpus callosum morphogenesis  
corticospinal tract morphogenesis +   
cuneatus tract morphogenesis 
gracilis tract morphogenesis 
medulla reticulospinal tract morphogenesis 
pons reticulospinal tract morphogenesis 
posterior commissure morphogenesis 
rubrospinal tract morphogenesis 
spinal cord ventral commissure morphogenesis  
spinothalamic tract morphogenesis 
tectobulbar tract morphogenesis 
tectospinal tract morphogenesis 
Generation of a long process of a CNS neuron, that carries efferent (outgoing) action potentials from the cell body in the superior colliculus of the midbrain towards target cells in the ventral spinal cord.
trigeminothalamic tract morphogenesis 
vestibulospinal tract morphogenesis 

Definition Sources: GO_REF:0000021, GOC:cls, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jid

paths to the root