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Ontology Browser

ATP-activated inward rectifier potassium channel activity (GO:0015272)
Annotations: Rat: (3) Mouse: (3) Human: (6) Chinchilla: (3) Bonobo: (3) Dog: (4) Squirrel: (3) Pig: (3) Naked Mole-rat: (3) Green Monkey: (3)
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
ATP-activated inward rectifier potassium channel activity  
Enables the transmembrane transfer of a potassium ion by an inwardly-rectifying voltage-gated channel, where the inward rectification is due to a voltage-dependent block of the channel pore by ATP. An inwardly rectifying current-voltage relation is one where at any given driving force the inward flow of K+ ions exceeds the outward flow for the opposite driving force.
G-protein activated inward rectifier potassium channel activity  

Xrefs: Reactome:R-HSA-5683209 "Activating ABCC8 mutants cause hyperglycemia in permanent neonatal diabetes mellitus (PNDM) and transient neonatal DM (TNDM)"
Definition Sources: GOC:cb, GOC:mah

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