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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Gaucher disease - ophthalmoplegia - cardiovascular calcification 
Gaucher disease perinatal lethal 
Gaucher disease type 1 
Gaucher disease type 1 is the chronic non-neurological form of Gaucher disease (GD; see this term) characterized by organomegaly, bone involvement and cytopenia.
Gaucher disease type 2 
Gaucher disease type 3 
Gaucher disease type I 
Gaucher disease type II 
Gaucher disease type III 
Gaucher disease-ophthalmoplegia-cardiovascular calcification syndrome 
Rare hereditary thrombophilia 

Exact Synonyms: Non-cerebral juvenile Gaucher disease
Xrefs: ICD10:E75.2 ;   MIM:230800 ;   UMLS:C1961835

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