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Central nervous system calcification - deafness - tubular acidosis - anemia
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Parent Terms
Term With Siblings
Child Terms
Genetic renal tubular disease
Rare genetic intellectual disability with developmental anomaly
renal tubule disease
Syndromic genetic deafness
15q24 microdeletion syndrome
19p13.13 microdeletion syndrome
3C syndrome
5p13 microduplication syndrome
8q21.11 microdeletion syndrome
Acro-cardio-facial syndrome
Acrofacial dysostosis, Rodríguez type
ADNP-related multiple congenital anomalies-intellectual disability-autism spectrum disorder
Agammaglobulinemia - microcephaly - craniosynostosis - severe dermatitis
Agnathia - holoprosencephaly - situs inversus
Aicardi-Goutières syndrome
Alacrimia-choreoathetosis-liver dysfunction syndrome
Albinism-deafness syndrome
Albright hereditary osteodystrophy
Alopecia - epilepsy - pyorrhea - intellectual disability
Alopecia-contractures-dwarfism-intellectual disability syndrome
Alopecia-intellectual disability syndrome
Alpha-thalassemia - intellectual disability syndrome linked to chromosome 16
Aniridia - cerebellar ataxia - intellectual disability
Aniridia - ptosis - intellectual disability - familial obesity
Aniridia - renal agenesis - psychomotor retardation
Aniridia-intellectual disability syndrome
Aortic arch anomaly - peculiar facies - intellectual disability
Aphonia - deafness - retinal dystrophy - bifid halluces - intellectual disability
Arachnodactyly - abnormal ossification - intellectual disability
Arthrogryposis-like hand anomaly - sensorineural deafness
Ataxia-deafness-intellectual disability syndrome
Ataxia-intellectual disability-oculomotor apraxia-cerebellar cysts syndrome
Athabaskan brainstem dysgenesis syndrome
Atherosclerosis - deafness - diabetes - epilepsy - nephropathy
Autosomal dominant deafness-onychodystrophy syndrome
Autosomal dominant primary hypomagnesemia with hypocalciuria
Autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia-epilepsy-intellectual disability syndrome
Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 11
Bilateral microtia - deafness - cleft palate
Blepharophimosis-intellectual disability syndrome
BOR syndrome
Brachydactyly - mesomelia - intellectual disability - heart defects
Brain malformation - congenital heart disease - postaxial polydactyly
Branchio-otic syndrome
Branchio-skeleto-genital syndrome
Cardiac anomalies-developmental delay-facial dysmorphism syndrome
Cataract - ataxia - deafness
Cataract - deafness - hypogonadism
Cataract - hypertrichosis - intellectual disability
Cataract - intellectual disability - anal atresia - urinary defects
Cataract - intellectual disability - hypogonadism
Cataract - nephropathy - encephalopathy
Caudal appendage - deafness
Central nervous system calcification - deafness - tubular acidosis - anemia
Cerebellar ataxia - areflexia - pes cavus - optic atrophy - sensorineural hearing loss
Cerebro-oculo-nasal syndrome
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease - deafness - intellectual disability
Choanal atresia-deafness-cardiac defects-dysmorphism syndrome
Choroideremia - deafness - obesity
Cleft lip/palate - deafness - sacral lipoma
Cleft palate - short stature - vertebral anomalies
Cochleosaccular degeneration - cataract
Congenital cataract - progressive muscular hypotonia - hearing loss - developmental delay
Congenital cataracts - facial dysmorphism - neuropathy
Congenital disorder of glycosylation with deafness as a major feature
Connective tissue disorder due to lysyl hydroxylase-3 deficiency
Contractures - ectodermal dysplasia - cleft lip/palate
Corneal dystrophy - perceptive deafness
Cortical blindness - intellectual disability - polydactyly
Craniodigital syndrome - intellectual disability
Cryptorchidism - arachnodactyly - intellectual disability
Deafness - small bowel diverticulosis - neuropathy
Deafness - ear malformation - facial palsy
Deafness - epiphyseal dysplasia - short stature
Deafness - genital anomalies - metacarpal and metatarsal synostosis
Deafness - hypogonadism
Deafness - intellectual disability, Martin-Probst type
Deafness - lymphedema - leukemia
Deafness - oligodontia
Deafness - vitiligo - achalasia
Delayed speech - facial asymmetry - strabismus - ear lobe creases
Dentinogenesis imperfecta - short stature - hearing loss - intellectual disability
Developmental delay - deafness, Hildebrand type
Developmental malformations - deafness - dystonia
Disorder of sex development - intellectual disability
Distal renal tubular acidosis with anemia
Dwarfism - intellectual disability - eye abnormality
Dysmorphism - conductive hearing loss - heart defect
Dysmorphism - short stature - deafness - disorder of sex development
Ear-patella-short stature syndrome
Ectodermal dysplasia - sensorineural deafness
Epilepsy - microcephaly - skeletal dysplasia
Epilepsy telangiectasia
Epiphyseal dysplasia - hearing loss - dysmorphism
Facial dysmorphism - macrocephaly - myopia - Dandy-Walker malformation
Facial dysmorphism - shawl scrotum - joint laxity
Fallot complex - intellectual disability - growth delay
Fanconi renotubular syndrome
Generalized pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1
Gingival fibromatosis - progressive deafness
Global developmental delay - osteopenia - ectodermal defect
Gómez-López-Hernández syndrome
Hair defect - photosensitivity - intellectual disability
Hearing loss - familial salivary gland insensitivity to aldosterone
Heart defect - round face - congenital developmental delay
Hepatic fibrosis - renal cysts - intellectual disability
Hirschsprung disease - deafness - polydactyly
Holoprosencephaly - postaxial polydactyly
Holoprosencephaly - radial heart renal anomalies
Hypertelorism-microtia-facial clefting syndrome
Hyperuricemia - anemia - renal failure
Hypomyelination - congenital cataract
Hypoparathyroidism - deafness - renal disease
Hypospadias - intellectual disability, Goldblatt type
Hypotonia - cystinuria type 1
Ichthyosis - alopecia - eclabion - ectropion - intellectual disability
Idiopathic hypercalciuria
Infantile spams - psychomotor retardation - progressive brain atrophy - basal ganglia disease
inherited renal tubular disease
Intellectual disability - alacrima - achalasia
Intellectual disability - balding - patella luxation - acromicria
Intellectual disability - cataracts - calcified pinnae - myopathy
Intellectual disability - cataracts - kyphosis
Intellectual disability - craniofacial dysmorphism - cryptorchidism
Intellectual disability - dysmorphism - hypogonadism - diabetes mellitus
Intellectual disability - hypoplastic corpus callosum - preauricular tag
Intellectual disability - hypotonia - skin hyperpigmentation
Intellectual disability - hypotonia - spasticity - sleep disorder
Intellectual disability - microcephaly - phalangeal - facial abnormalities
Intellectual disability - myopathy - short stature - endocrine defect
Intellectual disability - obesity - brain malformations - facial dysmorphism
Intellectual disability - polydactyly - uncombable hair
Intellectual disability - short stature - hypertelorism
intellectual disability - sparse hair - brachydactyly
Intellectual disability - spasticity - ectrodactyly
Intellectual disability-coarse face-macrocephaly-cerebellar hypotrophy syndrome
Intellectual disability-seizures-hypotonia-ophthalmologic-skeletal anomalies syndrome
Isolated anencephaly/exencephaly
Joubert syndrome with orofaciodigital defect
Kaler-Garrity-Stern syndrome
Knuckle pads-leukonychia-sensorineural deafness-palmoplantar hyperkeratosis syndrome
Lethal ataxia with deafness and optic atrophy
Lipodystrophy - intellectual disability - deafness
Macrocephaly - spastic paraplegia - dysmorphism
Male hypergonadotropic hypogonadism - intellectual disability - skeletal anomalies
Marfanoid habitus - intellectual disability, autosomal recessive
Maxillonasal dysplasia
MEGDEL syndrome
Metaphyseal dysostosis - intellectual disability - conductive deafness
Micro syndrome
Microbrachycephaly - ptosis - cleft lip
Microcephalic primordial dwarfism, Dauber type
Microcephaly - brachydactyly - kyphoscoliosis
Microcephaly - cardiomyopathy
Microcephaly - cervical spine fusion anomalies
Microcephaly - cleft palate
Microcephaly - deafness - intellectual disability
Microcephaly - glomerulonephritis - marfanoid habitus
Microcephaly - polymicrogyria - corpus callosum agenesis
Microcephaly - seizures - intellectual disability - heart disease
Microlissencephaly - micromelia
Microphthalmia - brain atrophy
Mitochondrial myopathy - lactic acidosis - deafness
Mohr-Tranebjaerg syndrome
Myoclonus - cerebellar ataxia - deafness
Myopathy - growth delay - intellectual disability - hypospadias
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus - intracranial calcification
Nephropathy-deafness-hyperparathyroidism syndrome
Nephrosis - deafness - urinary tract - digital malformations
Nephrotic syndrome-deafness-pretibial epidermolysis bullosa syndrome
Neurologic Waardenburg-Shah syndrome
Neutropenia - monocytopenia - deafness
Olivopontocerebellar atrophy - deafness
Ophthalmoplegia - intellectual disability - lingua scrotalis
Optic atrophy-intellectual disability syndrome
Orofaciodigital syndrome type 1
Orofaciodigital syndrome type 10
Orofaciodigital syndrome type 2
Orofaciodigital syndrome type 3
Orofaciodigital syndrome type 4
Orofaciodigital syndrome type 5
Orofaciodigital syndrome type 8
Ossification anomalies - psychomotor development delay
Osteochondrodysplatic nanism - deafness - retinitis pigmentosa
Osteopenia - myopia - hearing loss - intellectual disability - facial dysmorphism
Osteopetrosis with renal tubular acidosis
Osteoporosis - pseudoglioma
Pachygyria - intellectual disability - epilepsy
Phocomelia - ectrodactyly - deafness - sinus arrhythmia
Polymicrogyria - turricephaly - hypogenitalism
Polymicrogyria due to TUBB2B mutation
Polyneuropathy - hearing loss - ataxia - retinitis pigmentosa - cataract
Polyneuropathy - intellectual disability - acromicria - premature menopause
Preaxial polydactyly - colobomata - intellectual disability
Primary hypomagnesemia with secondary hypocalcemia
Progressive sensorineural hearing loss - hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Prominent glabella - microcephaly - hypogenitalism
Proximal 16p11.2 microduplication syndrome
Psychomotor retardation due to S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase deficiency
Pterygium colli - intellectual disability - digital anomalies
Ptosis - syndactyly - learning difficulties
Qazi-Markouizos syndrome
Radio-ulnar synostosis - intellectual disability - hypotonia
Recessive intellectual disability - motor dysfunction - multiple joint contractures
Renal pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1
renal tubular acidosis
Retinitis pigmentosa - intellectual disability - deafness - hypogenitalism
Sanjad-Sakati syndrome
Sensorineural hearing loss - early graying - essential tremor
Severe feeding difficulties - failure to thrive - microcephaly due to ASXL3 deficiency
Severe intellectual disability - epilepsy - anal anomalies - distal phalangeal hypoplasia
Severe intellectual disability and progressive spastic paraplegia
Severe intellectual disability-short stature-behavioral troubles-facial dysmorphism syndrome
Short stature - deafness - neutrophil dysfunction - dysmorphism
Short stature - intellectual disability - eye anomalies - cleft lip/palate
Short stature - webbed neck - heart disease
Short ulna - dysmorphism - hypotonia - intellectual disability
Shoulder and girdle defects - familial intellectual disability
Skeletal dysplasia - epilepsy - short stature
Spastic paraparesis - deafness
Spastic paraplegia - epilepsy - intellectual disability
Spastic paraplegia - glaucoma - intellectual disability
Spastic paraplegia - nephritis - deafness
Spastic tetraplegia - retinitis pigmentosa - intellectual disability
Split hand - split foot - deafness
Split hand - urinary anomalies - spina bifida
Spondylocostal dysostosis - anal and genitourinary malformations
Spondylocostal dysostosis - hypospadias - intellectual disability
Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia, Nishimura type
Stickler syndrome type 3
Syndromic neurometabolic disease with non-X-linked intellectual disability
Thickened earlobes - conductive deafness
Upper limb defect - eye and ear abnormalities
Uveal coloboma - cleft lip and palate - intellectual disability
Visceral neuropathy - brain anomalies - facial dysmorphism - developmental delay
White matter hypoplasia - corpus callosum agenesis - intellectual disability
X-linked Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
X-linked hypophosphatemia
Xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group B
Xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group D
Xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group F
Xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group G
Exact Synonyms:
Yoshimura-Takeshita syndrome