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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
intestinal disease +     
Aeromonas hydrophila intestinal disease 
aplasia cutis congenita-intestinal lymphangiectasia syndrome 
bowel dysfunction +  
chronic atrial and intestinal dysrhythmia 
chronic diarrhea with villous atrophy 
chronic intestinal vascular insufficiency 
congenital diarrhea 7 with exudative enteropathy 
congenital enterocyte heparan sulfate deficiency 
cytosolic phospholipase-A2 alpha deficiency associated bleeding disorder 
diverticular disease  
diverticulitis +   
endometriosis of intestine 
eosinophilic gastrointestinal disease +   
familial infantile gigantism 
fecal incontinence  
gastroenteritis +   
glucose-galactose malabsorption 
hereditary intestinal polyposis 
infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis +   
inflammatory bowel disease +   
intestinal atresia +  
intestinal lymphangiectasia +  
intestinal motility disease +   
intestinal neoplasm +   
intestinal obstruction +   
intestinal perforation 
intestinal polyp 
intractable diarrhea of infancy 
intractable diarrhea-choanal atresia-eye anomalies syndrome 
irritable bowel syndrome  
ischemic bowel disorder 
large intestine disorder +   
A disease that involves the large intestine.
malabsorption syndrome +   
necrotizing enterocolitis  
neurogenic bowel 
NK-cell enteropathy 
parasitic intestinal disease +   
pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis 
postgastrectomy syndrome +  
refractory celiac disease  
short bowel syndrome +  
small intestine disorder +   
trichohepatoenteric syndrome 
visceral myopathy 1 +  
Whipple's disease 

Exact Synonyms: disease of large intestine ;   disease or disorder of large intestine ;   disorder of large intestine ;   large intestine disease or disorder
Alternate IDs: MONDO:0024634
Xrefs: MEDGEN:574315 ;   SCTID:119523007 ;   UMLS:C0341321
External Ontologys: disease_has_location EFO:UBERON:0000059
Definition Sources: MONDO:patterns/location

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