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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
B-cell non-Hodgkins lymphoma +  
bubonic plague 
Giant Lymph Node Hyperplasia 
hemophagocytic syndrome +  
Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis 
lymph node disorder +  
lymphangiectasis +  
lymphatic system cancer +  
lymphatic vessel neoplasm +  
lymphedema +  
lymphogranuloma venereum 
malignant lymphatic vessel tumor 
non-Langerhans cell histiocytosis +  
Group of disorders which feature accumulations of active HISTIOCYTES and LYMPHOCYTES, but where the histiocytes are not LANGERHANS CELLS. The group includes HEMOPHAGOCYTIC LYMPHOHISTIOCYTOSIS; SINUS HISTIOCYTOSIS; xanthogranuloma; reticulohistiocytoma; juvenile XANTHOGRANULOMA; xanthoma disseminatum; as well as the lipid storage diseases (SEA-BLUE HISTIOCYTE SYNDROME; and NIEMANN-PICK DISEASES).
splenic disease +  

Alternate IDs: MONDO:0015531
Xrefs: DOID:4330 ;   GARD:8231 ;   ICD9:288.4 ;   MESH:D015616 ;   ORDO:157987 ;   SCTID:127069007 ;   UMLS:C0019624
Definition Sources: MESH:D015616

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