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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
anaerobic meningitis 
bacterial meningitis caused by gram-negative bacteria +  
Escherichia coli meningitis 
A form of gram-negative meningitis that tends to occur in neonates, in association with anatomical abnormalities (which feature communication between the meninges and cutaneous structures) or as OPPORTUNISTIC INFECTIONS in association with IMMUNOLOGIC DEFICIENCY SYNDROMES. In premature neonates the clinical presentation may be limited to ANOREXIA; VOMITING; lethargy; or respiratory distress. Full-term infants may have as additional features FEVER; SEIZURES; and bulging of the anterior fontanelle. (From Menkes, Textbook of Child Neurology, 5th ed, pp398-400) A form of gram-negative meningitis that tends to occur in neonates, in association with anatomical abnormalities (which feature communication between the meninges and cutaneous structures) or as opportunistic infections in association with immunologic deficiency syndromes. In premature neonates the clinical presentation may be limited to anorexia; vomiting; lethargy; or respiratory distress. Full-term infants may have as additional features fever; seizures; and bulging of the anterior fontanelle. (From Menkes, Textbook of Child Neurology, 5th ed, pp398-400)
Haemophilus influenzae meningitis 
Listeria meningitis 
meningeal tuberculosis 
meningococcal meningitis 
streptococcal meningitis +   

Exact Synonyms: Escherichia coli meningitis (disorder) ;   Meningitis due to E. coli
Xrefs: DOID:11578 ;   DOID:9000889 ;   ICD9:320.7 ;   ICD9:320.82 ;   MEDGEN:90920 ;   MESH:D020814 ;   MONDO:0006753 ;   SCTID:192655005 ;   SNOMEDCT:192655005 ;   UMLS:C0338395
Definition Sources: MESH:D020814

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