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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
bladder disease +   
congenital urachal anomaly +  
kidney disease +   
paraneoplastic renal syndrome 
Rare genetic renal disease +  
ureteral disorder +   
urethral disease +  
A disease involving the urethra. A disease involving the urethra. [database_cross_reference: MONDO:DesignPattern]
urinary system neoplasm +   
urinary tract infection +   
urinary tract obstruction +  
urolithiasis +   
urothelial hyperplasia +  

Exact Synonyms: disease of urethra ;   disease or disorder of urethra ;   disorder of urethra ;   urethra disease ;   urethra disease or disorder ;   urethra disorder ;   urethral disorder
Xrefs: DOID:732 ;   ICD10:N36 ;   MEDGEN:22569 ;   MESH:D014522 ;   MONDO:0004184 ;   NCI:C26903 ;   SCTID:4985009 ;   UMLS:C0041969
External Ontologys: disease_has_location EFO:UBERON:0000057
Definition Sources:

paths to the root