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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
alpha thalassemia-intellectual disability syndrome type 1 
alpha-thalassemia-myelodysplastic syndrome 
anemia +   
autoimmune disorder of blood +  
blood coagulation disease +  
A condition in which there is a deviation from or interruption of the normal coagulation properties of the blood. A condition in which there is a deviation from or interruption of the normal coagulation properties of the blood. [ NCIt:C2902 ]
blood disease +   
blood group incompatibility +  
blood platelet disease +  
Bloom syndrome 
bone marrow disorder +   
congenital hematological disorder +  
deafness-lymphedema-leukemia syndrome 
erythrocyte disorder +   
GATA1-Related X-Linked Cytopenia +  
Hematological disorder with renal involvement +  
hematological toxicity 
hematopoietic and lymphoid system neoplasm +   
hemorrhagic disease +  
L-ferritin deficiency 
leukocyte disorder +   
monoclonal gammopathy +   
paraneoplastic hematological syndrome +  
premalignant hematological system disease +   
Rare genetic hematologic disease +  
splenic disease +   
thymus gland disorder +  
thymus hyperplasia 

Exact Synonyms: Blood Coagulation Disorder ;   Coagulation Defect ;   Coagulation Disorder ;   Coagulation Disorders, Blood ;   Coagulopathy ;   clotting disorder ;   excessive bleeding ;   postpartum coagulation defect ;   postpartum coagulation defect with delivery
Xrefs: DOID:1247 ;   ICD10:D68 ;   ICD9:286 ;   ICD9:286.9 ;   ICD9:287.8 ;   MEDGEN:604 ;   MESH:D001778 ;   MONDO:0001531 ;   NCI:C2902 ;   SCTID:64779008 ;   UMLS:C0005779
External Ontologys: disease_disrupts EFO:GO:0007596
Definition Sources: NCIT:C2902

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