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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
albumin:globulin ratio measurement  
basophil measurement +   
blood sedimentation  
blood viscosity  
c3d:C3 ratio  
cholesterol efflux capacity measurement  
cholesteryl ester transfer protein measurement  
complement C3d subcomponent measurement 
complete blood cell count +   
eosinophil measurement +   
erythrocyte measurement +   
factor VIII measurement  
factor XI measurement  
fibrinogen measurement  
growth differentiation factor 15 measurement  
haptoglobin measurement  
hemoglobin measurement +   
hemorheological measurement +   
immature platelet measurement  
L lactate dehydrogenase measurement  
lymphocyte measurement +   
lymphocyte:monocyte ratio  
monocyte measurement +   
monocyte:lymphocyte ratio  
myeloperoxidase (MPO)-DNA complex measurement  
neutrophil measurement +   
neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio  
nucleated cell count 
partial thromboplastin time  
platelet measurement +   
platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio  
protein C measurement  
protein S measurement  
prothrombin time measurement  
Quantification of the clotting tendency of blood plasma following the addition of tissue factor. Prothrombin time requires the presence of factors I, II, V, VII, and X. It measures the extrinsic pathway of coagulation and can be used in conjunction with the activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) which measures the intrinsic pathway. It is used as a screening test and can be affected by vitamin K deficiency, liver disease, warfarin therapy or intestinal problems.
reticulocyte measurement +   
thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor activation peptide measurement  
total blood protein measurement  
trimethyllysine measurement  
von Willebrand factor measurement  

Exact Synonyms: International normalized ratio of prothrombin time measurement ;   PT/INR measurement ;   ProTime INR measurement
Xrefs: CMO:0000211 ;   PMID:22703881 ;   Wikipedia:Prothrombin_time
External Ontologys: is_about is_about EFO:0001421 ;   is_about EFO:UBERON:0001969

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