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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
anal canal cancer +  
benign neoplasm of large intestine +  
colonic disorder +   
colorectal Kaposi sarcoma +  
colorectal neoplasm +   
A benign or malignant neoplasm that affects the colon or rectum. Representative examples of benign neoplasms include lipoma and leiomyoma. Representative examples of malignant neoplasms include carcinoma, lymphoma, and sarcoma. Colorectal adenomas always exhibit epithelial dysplasia and are considered premalignant neoplasms.
Crohn's colitis 
disorder of appendix +   
epithelial tumor of anal canal +  
intestinal benign neoplasm +  
intestinal cancer +   
intestinal neuroendocrine neoplasm +   
perianal Crohn's disease  
polyp of large intestine +   
rectal disease +   
small intestine neoplasm +   

Exact Synonyms: colorectal tumor ;   colorectal tumour ;   colorectum neoplasm ;   colorectum neoplasm (disease) ;   colorectum tumor ;   colorectum tumour ;   large bowel neoplasm ;   large bowel tumor ;   large bowel tumour ;   large intestinal neoplasm ;   large intestine neoplasm ;   large intestine tumor ;   large intestine tumour ;   neoplasm of colorectum ;   neoplasm of large bowel ;   neoplasm of the large bowel ;   tumor of colorectum ;   tumor of large bowel ;   tumor of the large bowel ;   tumour of colorectum ;   tumour of large bowel ;   tumour of the large bowel
Alternate IDs: MONDO:0021236
Xrefs: DOID:9008443 ;   MEDGEN:3171 ;   MESH:D015179 ;   MIM:114500 ;   MONDO:0005335 ;   NCI:C2956 ;   UMLS:C0009404
External Ontologys: disease_has_location EFO:UBERON:0012652
Definition Sources: NCIT:C2956

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