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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
stomach disease +     
benign digestive system neoplasm +  
Digestive System Adenoma +   
digestive system cancer +   
digestive system neuroendocrine neoplasm +   
Duodenal Gastrin-Producing Neuroendocrine Tumor 
dysplastic oral keratinocyte 
functional gastric disease +   
gastric ulcer +   
gastritis +   
gastroesophageal reflux disease +   
Gastrointestinal Hamartoma +  
Genetic digestive tract tumor +  
Hepatobiliary Neoplasm +   
intestinal neoplasm +   
lip neoplasm +  
malignant epithelial tumor of salivary glands +  
Mixed Tumor of the Salivary Gland +  
mouth neoplasm +   
neoplasm of esophagus +   
neoplasm of floor of mouth +  
neoplasm of jaw +  
odontogenic neoplasm +  
ossifying fibroma of the jaw 
pancreatic neoplasm +   
Peritoneal Fibrosis 
peritoneal neoplasm +  
pharynx neoplasm +   
pyloric stenosis +   
stomach neoplasm +   
A benign or malignant neoplasm involving the stomach. Tumors or cancer of the STOMACH.
stomach polyp +   
tongue neoplasm +  

Exact Synonyms: Cancer of Stomach ;   Cancer of the Stomach ;   GASTRIC NEOPL ;   Gastric Cancer ;   Gastric Cancers ;   Gastric Neoplasm ;   Gastric Neoplasms ;   NEOPL STOMACH ;   Stomach Cancer ;   Stomach Cancers ;   Stomach Neoplasms ;   gastric tumor ;   gastric tumour ;   neoplasm of stomach ;   neoplasm of the stomach ;   stomach neoplasm (disease) ;   stomach tumor ;   stomach tumour ;   tumor of stomach ;   tumor of the stomach ;   tumour of stomach ;   tumour of the stomach
Xrefs: DOID:10534 ;   DOID:9000217 ;   ICD10:C16 ;   MEDGEN:20958 ;   MESH:D013274 ;   MONDO:0021085 ;   NCI:C3387 ;   SCTID:126824007 ;   UMLS:C0038356
Definition Sources: NCIT:C3387

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