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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
hearing loss +     
auditory neuropathy +  
central hearing loss 
conductive hearing loss disorder 
deafness +   
A partial or complete loss o f hearing in one or both ears; the level of impairment varies from a mild but important loss of sensitivity to a total loss of hearing. An inherited or acquired condition characterized by a partial or complete loss of hearing in one or both ears. The level of impairment varies from a mild but important loss of sensitivity to a total loss of hearing. An inherited or acquired condition characterized by the complete loss of the ability to hear from one or both ears.
hearing loss, mixed conductive-sensorineural 
Johanson-Blizzard syndrome 
noise-induced hearing loss  
nonsyndromic genetic hearing loss +  
sensorineural hearing loss +   
sudden hearing loss disorder +  
X-linked deafness +  

Exact Synonyms: Bilateral Deafness ;   Bilateral deafness (finding) ;   Complete deafness (finding) ;   Deafness NOS ;   Deafness NOS (disorder) ;   Deafness NOS (finding) ;   Total Deafness ;   complete hearing loss
Xrefs: DOID:9008681 ;   HP:0000365 ;   MIM:301018 ;   MP:0001967 ;   MeSH:D003638 ;   MedDRA:10011878 ;   NCI:C27644 ;   SNOMEDCT:162344009

paths to the root