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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
tooth agenesis +     
Facial Dysmorphism, Selective Tooth Agenesis, and Choroid Calcification 
Kallmann Syndrome 2 with Selective Tooth Agenesis 
Selective Tooth Agenesis 1  
Selective Tooth Agenesis 10  
Selective Tooth Agenesis 2  
Selective Tooth Agenesis 3  
Selective Tooth Agenesis 4  
Selective Tooth Agenesis 5 
Selective Tooth Agenesis 7  
Selective Tooth Agenesis 8  
Selective Tooth Agenesis 9  
Selective Tooth Agenesis with Orofacial Cleft 
Selective Tooth Agenesis, X-Linked, 1  

Exact Synonyms: STHAG8
Primary IDs: MIM:617073

paths to the root