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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Corneal Opacity +     
arcus senilis  
A corneal disease in which there is a deposition of phospholipid and cholesterol in the corneal stroma and anterior sclera.
autosomal recessive cutis laxa type III +   
Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome type 1  
band keratopathy 
Mental Retardation Mietens Weber Type 
Microphthalmia and Mental Deficiency 
nodular degeneration of cornea 
peripheral degeneration of cornea 
Peters anomaly +   
phthisical cornea 
recurrent corneal erosion 
Rosenthal-Kloepfer Syndrome 
Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia Tarda, Toledo Type 
Winchester syndrome  

Exact Synonyms: Arcus Corneae ;   Corneal Arcus ;   arcus of cornea
Primary IDs: MESH:D001112
Alternate IDs: MIM:107800
Xrefs: EFO:1000818 ;   ICD10CM:H18.41
Definition Sources: MESH:D001112

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