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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
B cell and dendritic cell deficiency +   
combined cellular and humoral immune defects with granulomas  
Combined Immunodeficiency and Megaloblastic Anemia with or without Hyperhomocysteinemia  
Combined Immunodeficiency with Autoimmunity and Spondylometaphyseal Dysplasia  
combined T cell and B cell immunodeficiency +   
Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis 1  
Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis 2  
Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis 3  
Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis, X-Linked 
immunodeficiency 116  
immunodeficiency 11B  
immunodeficiency 12  
immunodeficiency 123  
immunodeficiency 129  
immunodeficiency 13  
immunodeficiency 130  
A T cell deficiency that is characterized mainly by the onset of warts and verrucous or plaque-like skin lesions associated with HPV infection, usually in the first 3 decades of life and that has_material_basis_in homozygous mutation in the IL7 gene on chromosome 8q21. (DO)
immunodeficiency 17  
immunodeficiency 25  
immunodeficiency 33  
immunodeficiency 41  
immunodeficiency 48  
immunodeficiency 49  
immunodeficiency 50  
immunodeficiency 52  
immunodeficiency 55  
immunodeficiency 7  
immunodeficiency 71  
immunodeficiency 72  
immunodeficiency 73a with defective neutrophil chemotaxis and leukocytosis  
immunodeficiency 73b with defective neutrophil chemotaxis and lymphopenia  
immunodeficiency 73c with defective neutrophil chemotaxis and hypogammaglobulinemia  
immunodeficiency 79  
immunodeficiency 86  
immunodeficiency 87  
immunodeficiency 9  
monocyte, dendritic cell, and NK cell deficiency +   
Nezelof syndrome 
severe combined immunodeficiency +   
T cell, B cell, and NK cell deficiency +   
X-Linked immunodeficiency 74  

Exact Synonyms: EV5 ;   IMD130 ;   epidermodysplasia verruciformis 5 ;   epidermodysplasia verruciformis, susceptibility to, 5 ;   immunodeficiency 130 with HPV-related verrucosis
Broad Synonyms: IL7-related condition
Alternate IDs: DOID:9004313
Xrefs: MIM:618309 ;   MONDO:0032667
Definition Sources: PMID:39352394 "DO" "DO"

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