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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
spleen cell count +     
blood mononuclear cell count +   
spleen mononuclear cell count +   
Determination of the number of mononuclear cells, i.e. leukocytes such as lymphocytes and monocytes with a single round or oval nucleus found in a specified sample of spleen, the highly vascular lymphoid organ which serves to store blood, disintegrate old blood cells, filter foreign substances from the blood, and produce lymphocytes.

Exact Synonyms: splenic mononuclear cell count
Broad Synonyms: splenocyte count
Related Synonyms: spleen mononuclear cell number
Definition Sources: American_Heritage:The_American_Heritage_Medical_Dictionary_2007, Mosby:Mosbys_Medical_Dictionary--8th_Ed

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