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Ontology Browser

colorectal tumor surface area measurement (CMO:0001797)
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Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
colorectal tumor incidence/prevalence measurement +  
colorectal tumor number +   
colorectal tumor surface area measurement +   
A measurement of the two-dimensional extent of a planar region comprising the superficial or external aspect of one or more colorectal tumors, abnormal growths of tissue resulting from uncontrolled, progressive multiplication of cells and serving no physiological function, which occur in the large intestine, the distal portion of the alimentary canal, especially in the colon and/or rectum, the segment of the large intestine between the cecum and the anal canal.

Related Synonyms: colorectal neoplasm surface area measurement
Xrefs: MESH:D015179
Definition Sources: "Multiple_Dictionaries" "Multiple_Dictionaries", ISBN:978-1416049982

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