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The Sequence Types and Features Ontology (SO) is downloaded weekly from the SourceForge CVS repository at For more information about this ontology, see the Sequence Ontology Home Page at

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Accession:SO:0001017 term browser browse the term
Definition:A sequence variant that does not affect protein function. Silent mutations may occur in genic ( CDS, UTR, intron etc) and intergenic regions. Silent mutations may have affects on processes such as splicing and regulation.
Comment:Added in March 2007 in after meeting with PharmGKB. Although this term is in common usage, it is better to annotate with the most specific term possible, such as synonymous codon, intron variant etc.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: silent mutation
 xref: "wiki";   loinc:LA6700-4 "Silent"

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  SO ontology 0
    sequence_variant 0
      structural_variant 0
        feature_variant 0
          silent_mutation 0
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