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The Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) is downloaded weekly from The file downloaded is considered the "last stable build" available for the ontology. For more about the HPO, view their website at

Term:Hepatic focal nodular hyperplasia
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Accession:HP:0034498 term browser browse the term
Definition:Hepatic focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH) is a benign hepatic tumor. FNH develops within hepatic parenchymal tissue that is otherwise histologically normal. Macroscopically, the tumor is characterized by the presence of depressed, grayish-white scar, which is generally (but not always) located at the center of the lesion, with fibrous septa radiating outward, toward the periphery of the tumor. This stellate scar is found in only 50% of all FNH nodules, but its presence is regarded as pathognomonic. The lesion itself is usually lighter in color than the tissue that surrounds it, and it sometimes has a yellowish hue. FNH nodules are generally not capsulated; their margins are well defined, and they are sometimes lobulated.
Comment:FNH is often an incidental finding
Synonyms:exact_synonym: Focal nodular hyperplasia

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Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  Human phenotype 74025
    Phenotypic abnormality 73720
      Abnormality of the digestive system 10591
        Abnormality of the abdominal organs 3312
          Abnormality of the liver 2678
            Neoplasm of the liver 295
              Hepatic focal nodular hyperplasia 0
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  Human phenotype 74025
    Phenotypic abnormality 73720
      Neoplasm 15321
        Neoplasm by anatomical site 15114
          Digestive system neoplasm 2060
            Neoplasm of the gastrointestinal tract 1953
              Neoplasm of the liver 295
                Hepatic focal nodular hyperplasia 0
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