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Term:asexual sporulation
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Accession:GO:0030436 term browser browse the term
Definition:The formation of spores derived from the products of an asexual cell division. Examples of this process are found in bacteria and fungi.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: asexual reproductive sporulation;   asexual spore formation;   mitotic spore formation;   mitotic sporulation
 never_in_taxon: NCBITaxon:33083 ! Dictyostelids

GViewer not supported for the selected species.

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  biological_process 16138
    reproductive process 1660
      developmental process involved in reproduction 1099
        asexual sporulation 0
          asexual spore wall assembly 0
          asexual sporulation resulting in formation of a cellular spore + 0
          asexual sporulation resulting in formation of a multicellular or syncytial spore 0
          conidium formation + 0
          oidium formation 0
          oomycete sporangium development + 0
          regulation of asexual sporulation + 0
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