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Term:Genetic cranial malformation
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  experimental factor 0
    material property 0
      disposition 0
        disease 0
          genetic disorder 0
            Rare genetic developmental defect during embryogenesis 0
              Genetic cranial malformation 0
                Cloverleaf skull - asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia 0
                Cloverleaf skull - multiple congenital anomalies 0
                Craniofacial dysplasia-osteopenia syndrome 0
                Craniosynostosis - Dandy-Walker malformation - hydrocephalus 0
                Craniosynostosis - anal anomalies - porokeratosis 0
                Craniosynostosis - cataract 0
                Craniosynostosis - fibular aplasia 0
                Craniosynostosis - hydrocephalus - Arnold-Chiari malformation type I - radioulnar synostosis 0
                Craniosynostosis - intracranial calcifications 0
                Craniosynostosis, Boston type 0
                Crouzon disease 0
                Crouzon syndrome - acanthosis nigricans 0
                Cutis gyrata - acanthosis nigricans - craniosynostosis 0
                Holoprosencephaly - craniosynostosis 0
                Trigonocephaly - broad thumbs 0
                Trigonocephaly - short stature - developmental delay 0
                X-linked intellectual disability - plagiocephaly 0
                fgfr2 related craniosynostosis 0
                metopic craniosynostosis 0
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