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Term:chronic prostatitis
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Accession:EFO:MONDO:0022103 term browser browse the term
Definition:An infectious or non-infectious chronic inflammatory process that affects the prostate gland.
Synonyms:alt_id: MONDO:0022103
 xref: ICD9:601.1;   MEDGEN:88454;   NCI:C26930;   SCTID:19905009;   UMLS:C0085696

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Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  experimental factor 0
    material property 0
      disposition 0
        disease 0
          inflammatory disease 0
            prostatitis 0
              chronic prostatitis 0
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  experimental factor 0
    material property 0
      disposition 0
        disease 0
          reproductive system disease 0
            male reproductive system disease 0
              prostate disease 0
                prostatitis 0
                  chronic prostatitis 0
paths to the root