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Accession:EFO:1001831 term browser browse the term
Definition:A neoplastic process that resembles a malignant lymphoma, but has a benign course.
Synonyms:related_synonym: benign lymphoid hyperplasia;   lymphocytoma;   lymphocytomas;   pseudolymphomas;   reactive lymphoid Hyperplasias;   reactive lymphoid hyperplasia
 xref: DOID:9005797;   EFO:1001414;   MEDGEN:67450;   MESH:D019310;   MONDO:0043959;   NCI:C3825;   SCTID:19750001;   UMLS:C0221269

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  experimental factor 512868
    material property 101355
      disposition 85928
        disease 85908
          immune system disease 13613
            lymphoid system disorder 485
              lymphatic system disease 433
                pseudolymphoma 0
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