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Accession:EFO:1001481 term browser browse the term
Definition:An inflammatory process affecting the small intestine and colon. Causes include viruses, bacteria, radiation, and antibiotics use. Enterocolitis or coloenteritis is an inflammation of the digestive tract, involving enteritis of the small intestine and colitis of the colon. It may be caused by various infections, with bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, or other causes. Common clinical manifestations of enterocolitis are frequent diarrheal defecations, with or without nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, fever, chills, alteration of general condition. General manifestations are given by the dissemination of the infectious agent or its toxins throughout the body, or – most frequently – by significant losses of water and minerals, the consequence of diarrhea and vomiting.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: coloenteritis;   enterocolitis (disease)
 xref: DOID:9002805;   HP:0004387;   ICD9:558.9;   MEDGEN:4966;   MESH:D004760;   MIM:226150;   MONDO:0009172;   MedDRA:10014893;   NCI:C79573;   SCTID:43752006;   SNOMEDCT:43752006;   UMLS:C0014356;   Wikipedia:Enterocolitis

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  experimental factor 0
    material property 0
      disposition 0
        disease 0
          genetic disorder 0
            enterocolitis 0
              necrotizing enterocolitis 0
              neutropenic enterocolitis 0
              pseudomembranous enterocolitis 0
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