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Term:nutritional deficiency disease
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Accession:EFO:1001067 term browser browse the term
Definition:A condition produced by dietary or metabolic deficiency. The term includes all diseases caused by an insufficient supply of essential nutrients, i.e., protein (or amino acids), vitamins, and minerals. It also includes an inadequacy of calories. (From Dorland, 27th ed; Stedman, 25th ed) Any condition resulting from the lack of one or more nutrients that the body needs to maintain healthy tissues and organ function
Synonyms:exact_synonym: malnourished
 related_synonym: malnutrition
 xref: DOID:5113;   ICD10:E63;   ICD10CM:E40-E46;   ICD9:269.8;   ICD9:269.9;   MEDGEN:1677627;   MESH:D003677;   MONDO:0006873;   MedDRA:10046058;   NCI:C3669;   SCTID:363246002;   SCTID:70241007;   SNOMEDCT:70241007;   UMLS:C4761312

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  experimental factor 0
    material property 0
      disposition 0
        disease 0
          metabolic disease 0
            nutritional disorder 0
              nutritional deficiency disease 0
                Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome 0
                acquired night blindness 0
                ariboflavinosis + 0
                ascorbic acid deficiency 0
                endemic goiter 0
                magnesium deficiency 0
                pernicious anemia 0
                potassium deficiency 0
                protein energy malnutrition + 0
                vitamin deficiency disorder + 0
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