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Term:urinary system disease
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Accession:EFO:0009690 term browser browse the term
Definition:A disease involving the renal system. A disease involving the renal system. [database_cross_reference: MONDO:DesignPattern]
Synonyms:exact_synonym: disease of renal system;   disease or disorder of renal system;   disorder of renal system;   disorder of the urinary system;   disorder of urinary system;   non-neoplastic urinary tract disease;   renal system disease;   renal system disease or disorder;   urinary system disorder;   urinary tract disorder;   urologic disorder;   urological disorders
 related_synonym: disease, urinary tract;   diseases, urologic;   urinary disease;   urinary tract diseases;   urologic disease;   urological disease;   urological diseases;   urological disorder
 xref: DOID:18;   ICD10:N28;   ICD10:N39;   ICD9:V47.4;   MEDGEN:21791;   MESH:D014570;   MONDO:0002118;   NCI:C3430;   SCTID:128606002;   UMLS:C0042075
 external_ontology: disease_has_location EFO:UBERON:0001008;   in_taxon EFO:NCBITaxon:9606

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  experimental factor 0
    material property 0
      disposition 0
        disease 0
          urinary system disease 0
            Rare genetic renal disease + 0
            bladder disease + 0
            congenital urachal anomaly + 0
            kidney disease + 0
            nephrotoxicity 0
            paraneoplastic renal syndrome 0
            ureteral disorder + 0
            urethral disease + 0
            urinary system neoplasm + 0
            urinary tract infection + 0
            urinary tract obstruction + 0
            urolithiasis + 0
            urothelial hyperplasia + 0
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