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Term:blood coagulation disease
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Accession:EFO:0009314 term browser browse the term
Definition:A condition in which there is a deviation from or interruption of the normal coagulation properties of the blood. A condition in which there is a deviation from or interruption of the normal coagulation properties of the blood. [ NCIt:C2902 ]
Synonyms:exact_synonym: Blood Coagulation Disorder;   Coagulation Defect;   Coagulation Disorder;   Coagulation Disorders, Blood;   Coagulopathy;   clotting disorder;   excessive bleeding;   postpartum coagulation defect;   postpartum coagulation defect with delivery
 xref: DOID:1247;   ICD10:D68;   ICD9:286;   ICD9:286.9;   ICD9:287.8;   MEDGEN:604;   MESH:D001778;   MONDO:0001531;   NCI:C2902;   SCTID:64779008;   UMLS:C0005779
 external_ontology: disease_disrupts EFO:GO:0007596

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  experimental factor 0
    material property 0
      disposition 0
        disease 0
          hematologic disease 0
            blood coagulation disease 0
              coagulation protein disease + 0
              hemolytic-uremic syndrome + 0
              hemorrhagic disease of newborn 0
              inherited blood coagulation disorder + 0
              prekallikrein deficiency + 0
              thrombophilia + 0
              thrombotic microangiopathy + 0
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