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Accession:EFO:0004274 term browser browse the term
Definition:A condition characterized by painful swelling of the joints, which is caused by deposition of urate crystals. metabolic disorder characterized by recurrent acute arthritis, hyperuricemia and deposition of sodium urate in and around the joints, sometimes with formation of uric acid calculi. Gout is partly genetic.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: articular gout;   gouty arthritis;   gouty arthropathy
 broad_synonym: chronic gout;   tophaceous disease;   tophaceous gout
 xref: DOID:13189;   HP:0001997;   ICD10:M10;   ICD10CM:M10;   ICD9:274;   ICD9:274.0;   ICD9:274.00;   ICD9:274.9;   MEDGEN:42280;   MESH:D006073;   MONDO:0005393;   MedDRA:10018627;   MedDRA:10018633;   NCI:C34650;   SCTID:190828008;   SNOMEDCT:90560007;   UMLS:C0018099

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Path 1
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  experimental factor 0
    material property 0
      disposition 0
        disease 0
          metabolic disease 0
            gout 0
              renal overload-type gout 0
Path 2
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  experimental factor 0
    material property 0
      disposition 0
        disease 0
          musculoskeletal system disease 0
            skeletal system disease 0
              bone disease 0
                bone inflammation disease 0
                  arthritis 0
                    gout 0
                      renal overload-type gout 0
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