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Accession:EFO:0004253 term browser browse the term
Definition:Formation of stones in the KIDNEY. Stones in the KIDNEY, usually formed in the urine-collecting area of the kidney (KIDNEY PELVIS). Their sizes vary and most contains CALCIUM OXALATE. The presence of a calculus in the pelvis of the kidney; this is most often composed of mineral salts and proteins.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: Kidney Calculi;   Kidney Calculus;   Kidney Stones;   Renal Calculi;   Renal Calculus;   Renal stones;   Stone - kidney/ureter;   calculus of kidney and ureter;   kidney stone
 related_synonym: CAON;   nephrolithiasis, calcium oxalate;   urolithiasis, calcium oxalate
 xref: DOID:585;   HP:0000787;   ICD10:N20;   ICD9:592;   MEDGEN:98227;   MESH:D053040;   MIM:167030;   MIM:605990;   MONDO:0008171;   MP:0002708;   MeSH:D007669;   MedDRA:10023436;   MedDRA:10023437;   MedDRA:10029148;   NCI:C114667;   SCTID:266556005;   SNOMEDCT:95570007;   UMLS:C0392525

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  experimental factor 0
    material property 0
      disposition 0
        disease 0
          urinary system disease 0
            urolithiasis 0
              nephrolithiasis 0
                nephrolithiasis, calcium oxalate + 0
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