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The Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI) ontology is downloaded weekly from EMBL-EBI at The data is made available under the Creative Commons License (CC BY 3.0, For more information see: Degtyarenko et al. (2008) ChEBI: a database and ontology for chemical entities of biological interest. Nucleic Acids Res. 36, D344–D350.

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Accession:CHEBI:4974 term browser browse the term
Definition:2-Amino-9H-purine in which the hydrogen at position 9 is substituted by a 4-acetoxy-3-(acetoxymethyl)but-1-yl group. A prodrug of the antiviral penciclovir, it is used for the treatment of acute herpes zoster (shingles), for the treatment or suppression of recurrent genital herpes in immunocompetent patients and for the treatment of recurrent mucocutaneous herpes simplex infections in HIV infected patients.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: 2-[(acetyloxy)methyl]-4-(2-amino-9H-purin-9-yl)butyl acetate
 related_synonym: 2-(2-(2-amino-9H-purin-9-yl)ethyl)-1,3-propanediol diacetate;   9-[4-acetoxy-3-(acetoxymethyl)but-1-yl]-2-aminopurine;   BRL-42810;   FCV;   Famvir;   Formula=C14H19N5O4;   InChI=1S/C14H19N5O4/c1-9(20)22-6-11(7-23-10(2)21)3-4-19-8-17-12-5-16-14(15)18-13(12)19/h5,8,11H,3-4,6-7H2,1-2H3,(H2,15,16,18);   InChIKey=GGXKWVWZWMLJEH-UHFFFAOYSA-N;   SMILES=CC(=O)OCC(CCn1cnc2cnc(N)nc12)COC(C)=O;   acetic acid 2-acetoxymethyl-4-(2-amino-purin-9-yl)-butyl ester;   famciclovirum
 alt_id: CHEBI:174284
 xref: CAS:104227-87-4;   DrugBank:DB00426;   Drug_Central:1128;   HMDB:HMDB0014570;   KEGG:D00317;   LINCS:LSM-2990;   PMID:17870541;   PMID:2754699;   PMID:9719596;   Patent:US5246937;   Reaxys:4208403;   Wikipedia:Famciclovir

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Path 1
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  CHEBI ontology 2
    role 2
      application 2
        pro-agent 0
          prodrug 0
            famciclovir 0
Path 2
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  CHEBI ontology 2
    subatomic particle 2
      composite particle 2
        hadron 2
          baryon 2
            nucleon 2
              atomic nucleus 2
                atom 2
                  main group element atom 2
                    p-block element atom 2
                      carbon group element atom 2
                        carbon atom 2
                          organic molecular entity 2
                            organic molecule 2
                              organic cyclic compound 2
                                organic heterocyclic compound 2
                                  organic heteropolycyclic compound 0
                                    organic heterobicyclic compound 0
                                      imidazopyrimidine 0
                                        purines 0
                                          aminopurine 0
                                            2-aminopurines 0
                                              famciclovir 0
paths to the root